
Activate the skin's natural regenerative process with Sculptra to help replenish lost facial collagen
Collagen is the most common protein in the body and helps support the skin's inner structure.

What is Sculptra?

Sculptra treatments will help enhance the overall appearance and volume of the face. Sculptra is an FDA-approved injectable poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) filler and collagen stimulator. Sculptra has a long history of safe and effective results. It has been used since the 1980s. It is an essential component of many of our patient-specific, combination sculpting protocols to subtly lift tissue, tighten the skin, fill facial hollows, replace lost volume, and slow the aging process. Sculptra treatments produce a natural, beautiful contour that shaves off years of aging wrinkles.

How Does Sculptra Work?

Decreased collagen production is a natural part of aging and the reason we start to see wrinkles, sagging, hollows, and other unwanted changes to our appearance. Sculptra works to gradually replace diminished collagen to slow the aging process on the inside and “turn back the clock” on the outside. Made from an absorbable, synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), Sculptra acts a fertilizer deep beneath the skin, boosting collagen production and helping to restore your skin’s inner structure and volume. With a series of treatments, the remodeled collagen strands restore lost volume, provide fullness to smooth out wrinkles and folds, and gradually tighten the skin over the course of several months.

During a Sculptra treatment session, the injection sites are marked, and the filler is injected directly into the problematic areas. The product is delivered through a fine needle or cannula, and multiple layers are injected gradually until the desired contour has been achieved. The treatment is pain-free; although a numbing cream is usually applied first to reduce any discomfort from the needle.

A Sculptra treatment session lasts around 30 minutes, depending on the number of areas treated and the extent of the cosmetic issues. On average, 2 to 3 treatment sessions spaced a few weeks apart are recommended for optimal results.

What to Expect After a Sculptra Treatment

Sculptra is a nonsurgical treatment and does not require any downtime for patients. After treatment, patients will be slightly red and swollen where the injections occurred, but this goes away within a few hours. Patients can resume their normal routine right after treatment, but should refrain from any strenuous activities for the first 48 hours. It is advised to not apply any pressure to the face, and to sleep upright the first evening following treatment. The results are evident immediately after treatment, but it could take several weeks for the optimal results to become visible.

Sculptra FAQ

Is Sculptra Safe?

Sculptra is synthetic based and approved by the FDA. It has been tested extensively and has been proven to be safe and effective for cosmetic use. It utilizes processed poly-L-lactic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance in humans, so rejection to the product is rare. Temporary side effects include mild swelling and bruising, and possible pain and redness around the injection sites. 

When Should I Get Sculptra?

As wrinkles and creases are typical with aging candidates, anyone who needs volume may be a candidate for a Sculptra treatment. Statistics show that the most common age groups who seek this treatment are those between 30 to 55 years old. The younger age group may seek treatment due to premature skin aging caused by personal habits or environmental factors such as extreme sun exposure.

How Long does Sculptra Last?

The advantage of Sculptra over other derma fillers is that the results typically last up to 2 years. Naturally derived derma fillers only lasts 6 months up to 1 year. The treatment may be repeated as soon as necessary.

Where is Sculptra Injected?

Sculptra is commonly injected into the subdermal layer into the chin, nasolabial folds and marionette lines. It may also be used on the mid-face section for augmentation. It is a common filler that surgeons use to achieve a “liquid facelift.” 

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