Intimate Brightening
Brighten the more hidden areas….
Brightening System
Our brightening system is every woman’s solution for a darker ‘down there’ or any darker intimate areas. Are you starting to notice and wonder why your lady’s private areas are beginning to get dark? Particular parts of our body undergo changes that make us feel less like ourselves, especially a woman’s nether regions. The postpartum vagina’s skin changes, and there are many reasons these changes happen to our intimate areas. They might get darker over time, especially with age and other factors. As we get older, you might start noticing the skin of your intimate areas darken, and that’s quite normal. It’s a process most women will naturally experience. As vaginal skin, by nature, has the highest density of melanocytes, causing dark skin pigmentation, it is nothing to be a cause for concern. But with the Pink Intimate System, all of these concerns can become a thing of the past. Let’s learn more.
How does our Brightening System work?
It is your ideal non-invasive solution for skin lightening and rejuvenation. It is a topical solution containing the safest ingredients in helping women regain the skin’s youthful appearance. This product is unique, and the first-ever solution deals with lifting, brightening, and rejuvenating a woman’s intimate area. Additionally, it allows every woman to feel more positivity towards her body no matter her age.
It will lighten women’s intimate areas with no side effects. This formulation is specifically designed to brighten the skin using a topical and non-invasive approach.
Areas recommended for brightening the skin:
skin of intimate feminine areas such as bikini
Aereolas or Nipples
peri-anal region
upper thighs
This solution consists of clinically-graded, safe ingredients which clinicians apply to the regions you want to get firmed and lightened. Visible improvements will start as soon as the first application happens. Still, additional applications are initially suggested in fully restoring the tone and brightness of the skin area being treated. No restrictions or special precautions will be needed as the procedure is speedy and gentle.
Ingredients in our Brightening System’s lifting and lightening include:
Kojic acid
Urea peroxide
Liquorice extract
Precautions for Use
You may feel a sensation of slight tingling after the first application, so you might want to limit or at least regulate the applications over the same treated area.
A sensation of intense burning can mean the irritation of your skin caused by too much application or the solution’s reaction to other products. Try not to have any other products before your application.
Avoid repeating the treatment sooner than the recommended seven (7) days.
After shaving, do not treat areas immediately. Please wait at least five (5) days after shaving before starting your treatment again.
Recovery Time
The treatment usually takes around 30 minutes for every session. Others experience noticeable results or improvements on their treated areas after the initial application of the solution. Try repeating treatments after at least a week to ten (10) days for the suggested effective protocol, depending on your skin traits. There is zero downtime, so expect no recovery time associated with this rejuvenating treatment. You can immediately go back to your normal activities in no time.
Why is the Brightening System Better?
It’s a one of a kind – an innovative solution that helps lift, whiten, and rejuvenate women’s intimate areas (and men, too), allowing you to have a regained sense of youthfulness and a restored feeling of firmness. Some benefits include:
It contains restorative biostimulation and soothing ingredients
Comfortable painless
It does not disturb the epidermal layer
Easy to use at home treatment
FDA Approved
Zero downtime
Final Thoughts….
It’s today’s answer to a nightmare of darkening private areas. This unique rejuvenating solution can become your saving grace when all else fails to restore your ‘down there’, eventually regaining your confidence and belief in yourself.