Chemical Peels
Chemical peels are generally considered to be the foundation of any results-driven clinical skincare treatment plan. They are vital in our arsenal to fight aging, acne, and brown spots for all ages and skin types.
Chemical peels are the most versatile and customizable treatment to help remove cellular buildup and regenerate all skin types. You can combine peels with treatments such as dermaplaning or microneedling to enhance the effectiveness of the peel.
Peels may be especially beneficial in the treatment of hyperpigmentation, rosacea, acne, sun damage, and photoaging. Your skin takes on a more vibrant appearance with even a single peel!
Chemical peels are divided into 3 main groups: superficial peels, medium-depth peels, and deep peels. Each type of peel has its own specific uses and the general idea of each peel is presented below:
Used for acne, skin-refreshing
Peels the very top layers of the skin
Includes glycolic acid peels, salicylic acid peels, TCA peels
Light chemical peels are the least aggressive, removing only the outer layer of the skin with no real visible peeling. Repeated treatments on a regular basis (once per month in a perfect world for maintenance and up to once a week to correct damage) will cause mild exfoliation of the skin with cumulative effects. These are usually called termed “Lunch” peels since you can come and receive treatment then head back to work. No one would know you had done anything.
This basic peel includes cleansing, chemical peel, topical vitamins, post-peel balm and sunscreen. This is not a “facial” but a clinical treatment only. A light chemical peel can be combined with other services such as derma-planing or micro-needling for a more dramatic result or added to any facial treatment.
Sensi Peel® by PCA Skin- is a unique chemical peel option for all patients, including those with sensitive skin. This universal 6% TCA solution will improve surface texture and brighten the skin while helping promote an even skin tone. This multi-faceted and skin-brightening treatment is an excellent option for sensitive skin and higher Fitzpatrick skin types. (45min)
Used for fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration, rough skin texture, and photodamage.
Peels the top layer and the upper part of the middle layer of skin
Includes glycolic acid peels, salicylic acid peels, retinol peels
Medium depth peels have irritation that my last for 4-7 days.
Mid-Depth Peels target the intra-epidermal layer, skin exfoliation starts within two to three days of treatment.
The first few days your skin will feel dry and tight.
The drier your skin is to start, the longer it takes for peeling to begin. Oily people start peeling sooner.
Expect light flaking, similar to a sunburn peel.
Mid-depth chemical peels can be administered as frequently as every 4-6 weeks as needed to achieve results. A mid-depth peel can offer rejuvenative effects with minimal to no down time.
This basic peel includes cleansing, chemical peel, topical vitamins, post-peel balm and sunscreen. This is not a “facial” but a clinical treatment only. A light chemical peel can be combined with other services such as derma-planing or micro-needling for a more dramatic result or added to any facial treatment.
Used to treat fine, deeper wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation
Peels the top and more of the middle layer of skin
Includes phenol peels
Expect peeling 5-10 days.
PCA Peel® with Hydroquinone & Resorcinol
PCA Peel with Hydroquinone & Resorcinol is the most potent of our enhanced Jessner’s formulas. This peel will help to improve skin tone, enlarged pores and pigmentation, for oily, thicker and more resilient skin types. PCA uses the same key ingredients as in there other Jessner Peels with the addition of Resorcinol to enhance clients’ results who require a deeper exfoliation treatment. Perfect for Fitzpatrick types I-III. (1 hr)
It is also effective for those who require deeper treatment. Includes—
Lactic Acid - is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) naturally found in milk and sugars. It is part of the skin's natural moisturizing factor (NMF) and moisturizes the skin.
Salicylic Acid - is a calming lipophilic beta hydroxy acid that helps promote a clear complexion.
Citric Acid - is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) naturally found in citrus fruits.
Kojic Acid - helps promote and even skin tone.
Hydroquinone - helps to promote an even skin tone.
Resorcinol - is a flaking agent.
4% or 6% Pure Retinol Peel by PCA Skin®
Retinol, is a gentler vitamin A derivative, widely known as one of the most effective ingredients in skin care today. Retinol has been used in many forms, both at home and in the treatment room. Retinol enhances the absorption of vitamins, antioxidants, and rich active ingredients into the skin for maximum benefits, and is highly effective for improving pigmentation, clearing blemish prone skin, and increasing cell turnover cycle as we age.
The Pure Retinol Peel is PCA SKIN®’s newest innovation. For skin in need of rejuvenation, this retinoid peel smooths, brightens, and evens skin tone through increased cell turnover and peeling without irritation. Peeling can last anywhere from seven to ten days, returning the skin to optimal function and its results are dramatic. Powerful antioxidants are used to calm and rejuvenate the skin while fight off free radical damage, providing better product absorption and moisture for firmer, brighter, smoother skin. This powerful retinoid peel is available in both 4 and 6% formulations and perfect for normal to more resilient skin types in need of rejuvenation.
6% Pure Retinol Peel is indicated for people with moderate to severe discoloration and normal to resilient skin.
This peel is appropriate for treating the visible signs of aging, as well as those with sallow or dull complexions.
Patients should expect dramatic peeling and sheeting beginning two to three days post-treatment and lasting for up to ten days.
Call us now at 210-622-2334 to set up your appointment, or go to the patient portal to request an appointment online.