Novice Neurotoxin Courses - Instructor for new or aspiring injectors in facial anatomy, muscles, assessment and injection technique.
San Antonio, Texas, 2019 thru present every quarter.

Advanced Neurotoxin Courses - Instructor on facial anatomy, muscles, assessment and injection technique.
San Antonio, Texas, 2019 thru present every quarter.

Private Training - Instructor for two injectors on facial anatomy and techniques.
Tyler, Texas, January 2020.

Private Training - Instructor for injector on facial anatomy and techniques.
Houston, Texas, November 2020.

Table Captain, Audrey Rose Institute Cadaver Lab - Instructor for cadaver lab teaching anatomy and injection technique.
Boston, Massachusetts, October 2021, 2022, 2023.

Introduction to Dermal Filler - Instructor for new injectors on facial anatomy, rheology, and facial filler techniques including cheeks, jawline, chin.
San Antonio, Texas, 2022-Present

Galderma Trainer - Trainer for Galderma travel to surrounding cities to injector’s offices to train them on Galderma portfolio and injection techniques. Rheology and facial anatomy.
San Antonio, Austin, Corpus Chritis, Texas, 2022-Present

Off-label Sculptra Course - Instructor for San Antonio injectors on Neck, chest, arm, glute, and thigh anatomy. Biostimulatory injection, reconstitution and technique.
San Antonio, Texas, 2022-Present

Speaker for Galderma USA- Speaker for program discussing Dysport and Restylane Contour properties and on label use. Austin, Texas, November, 2022-Present

Revance Trainer - Trainer for Revance. Travel Nationwide to injector’s offices to train them on Revance portfolio and injection techniques. Rheology and facial anatomy.
Natiowide, February 2023-Present

Speaker & Table Captain for American Aesthetic Institute- Speaker for AAI discussing Dermal Fillers and on label use. Cadaver Lab Table Captain teaching anatomy for face and body. Austin, Texas, June, 2023

Private Training 3 days for 30 injectors - Instructor for 30 injectors on full face assessment and balancing discussing facial anatomy and techniques with Erika Barry, NP-C.
Toronto, Canada, July 2023.

Faculty and Speaker at Aesthetic Next Conference, 5.0- Clinical Track on The Art of Consultation. Business Track- Building a Practice as an Owner and Injector. Dallas, Texas, September 2023

Evolus Trainer and Speaker - Trainer for Evolus. Travel Nationwide to injector’s offices to train them on Evolus portfolio and injection techniques. Neurotoxin and facial anatomy.
Natiowide, October 2023-Present

Sciton KOL - Key Opinion Leader for Sciton.
Natiowide, January 2024-Present