Unlocking Timeless Beauty:
5 Often Overlooked Habits Impact Aging

AS A PA OF OVER 18 YEARS, plastic surgery trained, I’m often asked about ways to slow down the aging process. Having dedicated extensive time to training and exploring treat ments globally, my practice centers on enhancing beauty and promoting agelessness, leveraging my background in emergency medicine. Every day, I use a variety of approaches, from injectables to carefully chosen products, witnessing firsthand the transformative effects on my clients. While their responses to the artistry of aesthetics drive my passion, I still believe simple, no-cost adjustments in our daily routines can significantly contribute to a more youthful appearance.

Here are my top 5:

1. The Sweet Temptation: Sugar Overload

Beyond its delightful taste, sugar holds a subtle threat to our skin’s vitality. Consider the potential impact of excessive sugar consumption on collagen breakdown. Many are unaware that what we eat influences how we age. Making the simple switch to natural sweeteners, like honey or agave, and incorporating antioxidant-rich fruits such as berries into your diet, is an often overlooked key to youthful skin.

2. Side Sleeper’s Dilemma: Facial Wrinkles

The comfort of side or stomach sleeping can inadvertently contribute to facial wrinkles. Consider how your preferred sleeping position plays a role in premature aging. Encouraging back-sleeping and investing in a silk pillowcase may seem unconventional, but hey, your face deserves the royal treatment, and a silk pillowcase is like a spa day for your skin.

3. Tech Neck Troubles: Constant Screen Staring

In our screen-dominated era, persistent screen time leads to “tech neck,” an underestimated woe. What is tech neck? It is the formation of horizontal lines on the neck created from downward gazes to our phones or computer screens. How can you counteract tech neck? Start with good posture and making a conscious effort to not look down at your device

but straight forward. By acknowledging the impact of constant screen staring on your neck and adopting proactive measures, you preserve the often-neglected neck beauty of this area amidst our digital lives.

4. Neglecting Sunscreen: The Silent Aggressor

Sunscreen is critical for preventing premature aging. Many skip it, thinking indoor exposure is harmless, yet all light sources, including electronics, can accelerate skin aging. Studies indicate that just 60 minutes of exposure to blue light from screens can initiate skin damage, affecting those who spend 6-12 hours daily in front of devices. Prevention is key when it comes to the facial aging process just like in the body! Apply sunscreen daily whether you are inside or outdoors. Reapply every 2-3 hours if possible for best preventative results. One of my favorite sunscreens is SkinBetter Science Tone Smart SPF 75, a tinted sunscreen ideal for daily use that can double as your foundation and great for all skin types!.

5. Hydration Hesitation: Not Enough Water

Staying adequately hydrated is a simple yet often underestimated aspect of anti-aging. I’m not suggesting you tote around an oversized 40-ounce cup with a straw, but finding a convenient water container tailored to your preferences can make achieving your daily hydration goals effortlessly stylish. Carrying a reusable water bottle and infusing water with natural flavors are easy, no-cost alternatives that, when considered, become essential steps in a holistic skincare routine.

In wellness, simple habits and thoughtfully chosen products create timeless beauty. Embrace these practices for a vibrant future. Your future self will thank you for these impactful choices.

Shakira Cabrera