Why IV Therapy is so Important....


IV therapy allows for the delivery of nutrients and medications directly into the bloodstream. Bypassing the digestive system ensures that 100% of supplements make it to the cells that need them. Beyond the delivery of medicines for healthcare reasons, IV therapy can help improve overall wellness.

Our drip compounds target many aspects of your well being. Therapy can improve daily energy levels, combatting the morning fog and midday fatigue, or even help you recover after a fun weekend. Antioxidants help restore your cellular health, benefitting skin, hair, heart, muscles, liver, and so on. For athletic performance we can help with workout recovery, metabolism, and even balance mood for that motivation to hit the gym. For a quick visit, we also provide intramuscular injections that benefit your immune system, or promote metabolism for weight loss.

Where to start? Our Get Up & Go bag can benefit just about anyone. Consisting of a Vitamin B complex and Amino Acid blend, this compound targets metabolism, mood, and cellular health. B vitamins are critical in breaking down nutrients for use by your cells, managing stress, and healthy hair and skin. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are essential for immune system function and blood sugar regulation. A healthy diet usually provides everything we need, but we all skip breakfast once in a while, indulge in fast food, or allow a busy schedule to drain us. The Get Up & Go is an excellent way to fill up the tank once a week, or month, or whenever you feel like you just don't have the energy you're used to.

Shakira Cabrera